
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Scheduling in Outlook Web Access (OWA)

When you are ready to schedule your observation, please schedule through OWA (http://mail.nmusd.us/). This will allow you to see my availability.

Here are directions on how to do that:
-In Calendar, on the toolbar, click New to create a new appointment
-Please make the Subject of the appointment "Level II Observation- Your Name"
-In the Location field, put your school and where I will meet you
-In the Start Time and End Time lists, select the appropriate dates and times.
-Invite me by putting "lmcgann" in the Required field
-Then click on Availability to see if I am available
-If I am "busy", try another time and check the availability for that
-In the message body, type any message you want to accompany your meeting request, and then click Send.

Thanks for using the efficiency feature!

PS- Just a friendly reminder that the lesson must be you and your students using technology. That is you providing instruction and the students practicing what you have taught them. The use of technology must include the Internet.


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